
Opensource/free REST/WS gateway to multiple exchanges

https://ift.tt/2yjejXJ https://ift.tt/eA8V8JOpensource/free REST/WS gateway to multiple exchanges


  • free & opensource
  • self-hosted gateway with HTTP & WS endpoint (you run it on your server or laptop)
  • support for Binance, Bittrex, Kucoin, OKex & Poloniex
  • unified REST API & WS API (return the same format for all exchanges)
  • source available here
  • demo of a UI built above the service available here (I'm not a very good designer so it could be improved but I built it as a POC to show what the gateway can do)


Get USDT-BTC tickers from Binance

GET /exchanges/binance/tickers/USDT-BTC

Get BTC-ETH order book from Kucoin

GET /exchanges/kucoin/orderBooks/BTC-ETH

Endpoint to subscribe to BTC-DOGE real-time trades on Bittrex


Buy 1 NEO using BTC-NEO on Binance

POST /exchanges/binance/openOrders/?pair=BTC-NEO&orderType=buy&targetRate=0.007&quantity=1

List your BTC-GAS & BTC-ETH open orders on Kucoin

GET /exchanges/kucoin/openOrders/?pairs=BTC-GAS,BTC-ETH

NB: In above example, exch ange can be replaced by binance, bittrex, kucoin or poloniex as long as the pair is supported

Hope you'll enjoy it ;)

submitted by /u/a-pendergast
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