
TA that was right in December/January?

https://ift.tt/2KO782S https://ift.tt/eA8V8JTA that was right in December/January?

Hi, I was searching the youtube channels of various technical analysts, watching videos from December and January if any of them called the top of the Bitcoin price in December in advance or at least in short hindsight, but nope. While they all call various bottoms for now or later, not one of those I looked at was able to call the top then, not even one or two weeks after the crash happened, all talking before about the highs ahead and about a healthy correction and how we will see 30k soon shortly after the crash. So my question, can anyone remember a TA who called the top more or less correctly in December/January?

The only correct call I can remember came from a technician, Charly Lee about LTC on twitter, who was heavily flamed for it, on December 11th, when Bitcoin was already at 16.5k: https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/940353265585160192

submitted by /u/kbdwarrior
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